Dr.R Nagarathnamma

Dr (Prof) R Nagarathnamma

Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Fertility specialist and Laparoscopic surgeon
KMC Registration no : 23728

An alumni of Bangalore Medical college and KIMS. Has an experience of more than 35 years .Worked as Professor and HOD of Department of Obstertrics and Gynaecology at Rajarajeshwari Medical college .Being a tertiary referral centre has the experience of handling complicated obstetric and gynaecological conditions . A firm believer of vaginal deliveries has experstise in handling vaginal deliveries ,complicated caesarean section and high risk pregnancies complicated with diabetes,anemia ,hypertension ,twins ,pregnancy with fibroid and obstetric emergencies like post partumhaemorrhage , abruptio placentae and low placenta , placenta acreta

  • Trained in Laparoscopic surgery from Coimabatoreand has set up Laparoscopy unit at RRMCH and has independently performed laparoscopic surgeries like hysterectomy ,fibroid removal .ovarian cyst , laparoscopic tubectomy.
  • Has successfully treated several infertile couple and treated various gynaecological problems ,PCOS , adolescent health conditions , menstrual problems like polyps , fibroid , abnormal bleeding ,CuT insertion ,Mirena insertion
  • Has performed abdominal and vaginal surgeries ,urogynaec surgeries.
  • Has undergone Training in Gynaeoncology from Kidwai Cancer institute and performed colposcopy , PAP smear and gynae oncology surgeries.
  • Has been a Past president of Bangalore Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Performed live surgeries in various conferences and trained several professionals. Has been undergraduate and post graduate teacher for over 3 decades.
  • Is presently an active working member of Breast Cancer committee of KASOGA and training programmes.
  • Executive committee member of Indian Menopause Society and experienced in treating menopausal conditions and been a part of Menopause programmes

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