Advanced Fetal (Pregnancy) Scans

Advanced Fetal Scans

Fetal Medicine specialist is an obstetrician and gynecologist who has undergone additional 2-3 years of training in assessment and treatment of fetal problems and also treat complications related to pregnancy.

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Detailed Twins scans

Twin pregnancies are high risk pregnancies and requires monitoring both mother and babies. This pregnancies often need more scans to monitor growth, Blood flow.

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Ultrasound scans including 3D and 4D are more like a real-time photograph of your baby. With 3D scanning, many pictures of the child are taken in 2D and then merged to create a 3D image effect. With 4D scanning

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Pre eclampsia screening

Pre-eclampsia occurs in around 1 in 50 pregnancies. It is pregnancy induced high blood pressure and is one of the most common life threatening conditions occurring in pregnancy.

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